LED lights for Christmas

After a coworker mentioned Vixen Lights, I looked into it and decided it would be a fun hobby to program a lights display. I was also in dismay after looking at the cost of christmas lights which appeared to be expensive, even when they were on sale, and they couldn’t be programmed. So when I found out that LED strips of fully addressable RGB lights on amazon cost around $25 per 5m, I decided the cost was worth being able to program the lights.

I’m using Vixen on my PC to set up the light sequences. I initially used this to control the teensy directly via USB but decided I didn’t want a full sized computer dedicated to feeding the teensy a sequence. Therefore, I set up a raspberry pi zero wireless (rpi0w) with Falcon Player (FPP) in order to control the teensy via usb. I still use my desktop to run Vixen and to create the sequence. When I’m finished, I export it as an FPP sequence. Then I run the sequence inside FPP on the rpi0w.

There is also the option to have Vixen feed to FPP directly, but then I would be stuck running the software on my desktop while the lights were operating. The prior method allows me to limit the use of the desktop to be just for designing the sequences, and the rpi0w is responsible for feeding sequencing data to the teensy.

The setup

FPP on a rpi0w with OTG cable connecting via USB to

Teensy with an Octo shield connected to

Ethernet cable split (bought separately) and soldered to JST connectors (included with led strips) connected to

The led strips. These are powered by 5v power supplies.

The setup of FPP was super easy on an rpi0w. I went with the WiFi tethering option because it requires no cables to work and I didn’t have to plug the rpi0w into my desktop. Flash the FPP image onto the uSD card and then power on the rpi0w. After its powered on, connect to the FPP wifi network and perform initial setup.


In addition to setting up the rpi0w with FPP, I had to configure the teensy to use it. Luckily someone else did all the hard work and created an FPP to teensy sketch.

I had to change the value in the teensy script for MAX_PIXELS_PER_STRIP to be 150. I also added a function that turns the LEDs all blue for 5 seconds upon startup.


Per docs, 150 * 8 * 3 gives me total number of channels: 3600.

I had to set up FPP channel for Other – Generic Serial for this.

Active – Generic Serial – Start channel: 1, Channel Count: 3600 Port: ttyACM0, Speed: 9600, Headers – Start: <>


When I finished with the proof of concept, I moved it downstairs and plugged it in. When I ran the sequence on FPP the lights didn’t respond. I eventually discovered that the adapter that was included with the UPS had burnt out. I have reached out to the company for assistance. I think using two strands together drew too much amperage for the connector. Most connectors online list 5A max. I do not know why they would provide a 5A connector with a 10A power supply. I’ve resorted to electrical tape to get the power supply connected to the lights.





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